Just wanted to post a quick blog entry to let people know that I am still around. I've just been a little too busy with other things and sadly blogging is one of the first things to suffer.

There will soon be some interesting new material on the way. I'm expecting my [Ben Nanonote] soon and will be excited to do some write-ups on it. It will be my first one hundred percent free and open bit of kit. Until now I've had to settle for 90+% free things such as my OLPC XO, my N800 and this server. Maybe one day I'll be able to find the right reason to justify a [Lemote Yeelong].

I am also finding the desire for my postings to be less rant like and more positive is causing a bit of a delay in my blogging efforts. Clearly it is much easier to decry what is going wrong then to bring peoples attention to what is going right. The latter takes more time and planning. I am however planning to return to what many of my earlier postings were, reviews, lessons, tips, etc. One of the areas that I'm finding most challenging to post about positively is that of security and privacy. In these areas it is very easy to slide into the rant side of things but I plan to focus on what people need to do to help themselves in this area as opposed to ranting about what is going wrong.


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